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  • Source: Surgical endoscopy and other interventional techniques. Unidade: FM


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    • ABNT

      ABREU, Igor Renato Louro Bruno de et al. Efficacy and safety of a device used to prevent fogging and residue buildup on surgical optics during video-assisted thoracic surgical procedures (LacrimaSurg): a pilot in vivo study in 30 patients. Surgical endoscopy and other interventional techniques, v. 36, n. 2, p. 1683-1687, 2022Tradução . . Disponível em: Acesso em: 03 jun. 2024.
    • APA

      Abreu, I. R. L. B. de, Silva, A. R., Chiovatto, E., Abrao, F. C., Younes, R. N., & Jacomo, A. L. (2022). Efficacy and safety of a device used to prevent fogging and residue buildup on surgical optics during video-assisted thoracic surgical procedures (LacrimaSurg): a pilot in vivo study in 30 patients. Surgical endoscopy and other interventional techniques, 36( 2), 1683-1687. doi:10.1007/s00464-021-08889-x
    • NLM

      Abreu IRLB de, Silva AR, Chiovatto E, Abrao FC, Younes RN, Jacomo AL. Efficacy and safety of a device used to prevent fogging and residue buildup on surgical optics during video-assisted thoracic surgical procedures (LacrimaSurg): a pilot in vivo study in 30 patients [Internet]. Surgical endoscopy and other interventional techniques. 2022 ; 36( 2): 1683-1687.[citado 2024 jun. 03 ] Available from:
    • Vancouver

      Abreu IRLB de, Silva AR, Chiovatto E, Abrao FC, Younes RN, Jacomo AL. Efficacy and safety of a device used to prevent fogging and residue buildup on surgical optics during video-assisted thoracic surgical procedures (LacrimaSurg): a pilot in vivo study in 30 patients [Internet]. Surgical endoscopy and other interventional techniques. 2022 ; 36( 2): 1683-1687.[citado 2024 jun. 03 ] Available from:

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