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  • Source: Journal de Physique IV. Unidade: IF


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    • ABNT

      CORREIA, A et al. Heavy metals in South America aerosol during 20th century from Illimani ice-core, Eastern Bolivian Andes. Journal de Physique IV, 2003Tradução . . Disponível em: Acesso em: 04 jun. 2024.
    • APA

      Correia, A., Delmas, R. J., Freydier, R., Simoes, J., Taupin, J. D., Dupré, B., & Artaxo Netto, P. E. (2003). Heavy metals in South America aerosol during 20th century from Illimani ice-core, Eastern Bolivian Andes. Journal de Physique IV. doi:10.1051/jp4:20030309
    • NLM

      Correia A, Delmas RJ, Freydier R, Simoes J, Taupin JD, Dupré B, Artaxo Netto PE. Heavy metals in South America aerosol during 20th century from Illimani ice-core, Eastern Bolivian Andes [Internet]. Journal de Physique IV. 2003 ;[citado 2024 jun. 04 ] Available from:
    • Vancouver

      Correia A, Delmas RJ, Freydier R, Simoes J, Taupin JD, Dupré B, Artaxo Netto PE. Heavy metals in South America aerosol during 20th century from Illimani ice-core, Eastern Bolivian Andes [Internet]. Journal de Physique IV. 2003 ;[citado 2024 jun. 04 ] Available from:
  • Source: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Unidade: IF


    Acesso à fonteDOIHow to cite
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    • ABNT

      CORREIA, A et al. Trace elements in South America aerosol during 20th century inferred from a Nevado Illimani ice core, Eastern Bolivian Andes (6350m asl). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2003Tradução . . Disponível em: Acesso em: 04 jun. 2024.
    • APA

      Correia, A., Freydier, R., Delmas, R. J., Simões, J. C., Taupin, A. D., Duprè, B., & Artaxo Netto, P. E. (2003). Trace elements in South America aerosol during 20th century inferred from a Nevado Illimani ice core, Eastern Bolivian Andes (6350m asl). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. doi:10.5194/acp-3-1337-2003
    • NLM

      Correia A, Freydier R, Delmas RJ, Simões JC, Taupin AD, Duprè B, Artaxo Netto PE. Trace elements in South America aerosol during 20th century inferred from a Nevado Illimani ice core, Eastern Bolivian Andes (6350m asl) [Internet]. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2003 ;[citado 2024 jun. 04 ] Available from:
    • Vancouver

      Correia A, Freydier R, Delmas RJ, Simões JC, Taupin AD, Duprè B, Artaxo Netto PE. Trace elements in South America aerosol during 20th century inferred from a Nevado Illimani ice core, Eastern Bolivian Andes (6350m asl) [Internet]. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2003 ;[citado 2024 jun. 04 ] Available from:

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