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  • Source: Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Unidade: IF


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    • ABNT

      BARROS, S. F. et al. Integral measurements of plural and multiple scattering of electrons with energies between 10 and 100 keV for 6 <= Z <= 83: I. Thin and intermediate-thickness targets. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, v. 202, 2023Tradução . . Disponível em: Acesso em: 03 jun. 2024.
    • APA

      Barros, S. F., Petri, A. R., Malafronte, A. A., Fernández-Varea, J. M., Maidana, N. L., Martins, M. N., et al. (2023). Integral measurements of plural and multiple scattering of electrons with energies between 10 and 100 keV for 6 <= Z <= 83: I. Thin and intermediate-thickness targets. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 202. doi:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2022.110540
    • NLM

      Barros SF, Petri AR, Malafronte AA, Fernández-Varea JM, Maidana NL, Martins MN, Silva TF da, Vanin V, Mangiarotti A. Integral measurements of plural and multiple scattering of electrons with energies between 10 and 100 keV for 6<= Z <= 83: I. Thin and intermediate-thickness targets [Internet]. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 2023 ; 202[citado 2024 jun. 03 ] Available from:
    • Vancouver

      Barros SF, Petri AR, Malafronte AA, Fernández-Varea JM, Maidana NL, Martins MN, Silva TF da, Vanin V, Mangiarotti A. Integral measurements of plural and multiple scattering of electrons with energies between 10 and 100 keV for 6<= Z <= 83: I. Thin and intermediate-thickness targets [Internet]. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 2023 ; 202[citado 2024 jun. 03 ] Available from:

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