@book{booke751eb93, title = {Loading protocols in implant dentistrry: edentulous patients}, author = {Wismeijer, Daniel and Casentini, Paolo and Gallucci, German O and Chiapasco, Matteo and Bello-Silva, Marina Stella and Boeckler, Arne F and Camargo, Luiz Otávio Alves and Casentini, Paolo and Chiapasco, Matteo and Cordaro, Luca and Gallucci, German O and Meijer, Henny J. A and Morton, Dean and Payne, Alan G. T and Stoker, Geert and Tahmaseb, Ali and Tortamano Neto, Pedro and Weber, Hans-Peter}, year = {2010}, publisher = {Quintessence} }