@inproceedings{inproceedings001a1fdd, title = {CETICSDB: a platform for integration and analysis of high-throughput-omics data and mathematical modeling of biochemical reactions}, author = {Nishiyama Junior, Milton Yutaka and Reis, M S and Silva, D. F and Junqueira-de-Azevedo, Inácio de Loiola Meirelles and Cunha, J. P. C. da and Barrera, Júnior and Iwai, L. K and Serrano, S. M. T and Armelin, Hugo Aguirre}, year = {2015}, publisher = {Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular (SBBq)}, booktitle = {Congress of the International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - IUBMB} }