@article{article87b36faa, title = {Synergy of chemotherapy and immunotherapy revealed by a genome-scale analysis of murine tuberculosis}, author = {Rodrigues, Rodrigo F and Zárate-Bladés, Carlos R and Rios, Wendy Martin and Soares, Luana S. and Souza, Patricia R. M and Brandão, Izaira Tincani and Masson, Ana Paula and Arnoldi, Frederico G. C and Ramos, Simone Gusmão and Letourneur, Franck and Jacques, Sébastien and Cagnard, Nicolas and Chiocchia, Gilles and Silva, Célio Lopes}, year = {2015}, doi = {10.1093/jac/dkv023}, journal = {Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy} }